The Legend Continues.  Residential & Commericial.

Leonard A. Geria, Jr.
Managing Member
"The Legend"

At Legend Construction Managers LLC, our passion is building the finest custom homes and commerical properties. Since 1972, our captivating custom designs have offered discerning homebuyers and businesses the most unique residences or working environments in the Tri-Sate region.

Our approach to designing and building an exceptional home or commercial property emphasizes communication and skilled craftsmenship. By drawing upon varied avenues of knowledge and experience, we are able to craft breathtakingly beautiful, truly personalized homes that provide decades of pure living enjoyment. Along with Legend's Commerical Building Solutions for working environments to work and thrive in business without being timeless. This is our signature reputation in the construction industry which has become Legend.

LEGEND has the experience and proven solutions to make the process seamless, rewarding and less frustrating for owners. We are experts at problem solving, overcoming site challenges and continually looking for new ways to improve our services - just a few of the areas that set us apart for the "Legend" difference.